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How to choose bottled water dispenser and water purifier?

Industry information
He Zhong

With the increasingly serious nature of water pollution, water purifiers are more popular with the public. At present, people usually use water purifiers and bottled water drinking machines. Water purifiers are sustainable, as long as the filter element is replaced regularly. Who is healthier, the water purifier or the bottled water dispenser?

Water purifier and bottled water dispenser:

Water purifiers are easy to use, hygienic, with a taste of modern life, once launched by consumers welcomed, within two or three years occupied the market. Water purifiers are not only popular with families, but are also purchased by many organizations to be placed in public places or to improve work strips for employees

Water purifiers are easy to use, hygienic, with a taste of modern life, once launched by consumers welcomed, within two or three years occupied the market. Water purifiers are not only popular with families, but are also purchased by many units to be placed in public places, or to improve working conditions for employees, or to provide services for customers and consumers.

It is understood that most bottled water has not been cleaned and disinfected for a long time. From the sampling situation, the total number of bacterial colonies in all 10 samples exceeded the national standard at least 10 times, which was even more surprising. Samples taken from unsterilized bottled water dispensers at a beauty salon showed a total of 3,000 bacteria per milliliter, compared with the national standard of 50. E. coli was even found. Accordingly, suggest domestic bottled water dispenser to use 6 months or so should undertake cleaning disinfection processing, but of one part person attention, also did so.

Public places often used bottled water dispensers, cleaning and disinfection awareness is still relatively weak. In addition, long-term unsterilized bottled water dispensers, even qualified bottled water, water quality will be polluted, the number of microbes will increase.

And the water purifier as long as the regular professional water purifier service personnel to replace the filter element.

With the continuous improvement of people's living standard, the continuous improvement of the quality of life, the concern of human health, for the health of you and your family, please give them a cup of safe and sanitary drinking water.

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